Just one glance.


Prayer isn’t complicated. It is like a glance – locking eyes with one that you love.

In this daily walk, there are days when words fail us. When we simply don’t know how to start the conversation. Those days are the best days.

They often feel like the worst days but that is not true. On these seemingly prayer-less days, we are standing on the water’s edge of a grand invitation. Breathe in. You’re being invited to go deeper – still.

These are the days of our invitation.

In the silent, wordless, breath-prayers from the heart, we find out that Jesus is leading the conversation. His eyes are locked on you. He was never looking for your words. He was waiting for your heart. Your glance.

Prayer is like this. It is simply turning your gaze toward the One who’s watching you.

There are no words necessary. You are seen, and you’ve been invited to see into the inner chambers of one’s holy place – the sacred space of their heart.

That is the essence of prayer. It’s all about turning toward the One whose eyes are locked on you.

I remember hearing a teaching out of Song of Solomon that took my breath away. It came from this simple verse that will explode in your heart if you let it. Jesus declares these words of affection to us, his Bride.

You have captured my heart with one glance of your eyes. (Song of Sol. 4:9)

It’s an unfathomable thought. The God of the universe declares his love for humanity with such tenderness and vulnerability. He says that when we turn our eyes towards him, he is undone.

With one flash of your eyes I am undone by your love. (The Passion Translation)

He is undone by our glancing. He never takes his eyes off of us. So we too are undone when we look up to meet his gaze.

Once we catch his gaze, there is no turning away. Jesus is irresistible. It’s impossible to see him and not love him. (Bill Johnson)

Prayer is like this. It is all about this moment of gazing.

The song of our hearts can rarely be expressed in words. Our heart-song invites you to know its voice in the inexpressible spaces.

In the quiet places.
In the rhythms of breaths and sighs.
In the unexpected “catch your eye” moments.

Perhaps you are without words today. Maybe your heart is full of cares, and you are even carrying tears. There is a prayer being released in you.

Just pause. And turn to the One whose eyes are never taken off of you.

When I’m in this place, I often just start with a deep breath. And if tears come, I let them. Then I try to give voice to my tears (although our God is the master interpreter of tears). I want my soul to hear and respond to the authority that is my own voice. So out of the silence, or out of the tears, here’s how I often give voice. 

Simply. With just a few words like “Lord, I am here. And I am yours.” Then I wait on Him.

Often a thought will come in a word or phrase from Scripture. I write it down. That thought is my invitation to go deeper, and the first place I start to dig is in the Word of God. The first step to hearing God's voice is knowing God's voice. We learn the sound and tone of his voice by his Spirit, and through his Word. This is really important. You cannot consistently hear the voice of God apart from knowing the Word of God. 

I approach the Scripture (and the silence) with readiness and expectation of God's voice, because he has already begun the conversation. I'm just intentionally tuning in.

Whenever I turn my attention to him, he is there.

He is faithful to meet me with his voice. And His voice gives voice to my own. I am now praying the prayer of heaven.

If we turn to him, we will find out that he has already turned toward us.

Again, and again. He is faithful to meet us. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. (Is. 40:3)

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Learn more about hearing God's voice in our upcoming Cohort program.

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